Section: Software


Members of Focus have developed Jolie [8] (Java Orchestration Language Interpreter Engine, see http://www.jolie-lang.org/ ). Jolie is a service-oriented programming language. Jolie can be used to program services that interact over the Internet using different communication protocols. Differently from other Web Services programming languages such as WS-BPEL, Jolie is based on a user-friendly C/Java-like syntax (more readable than the verbose XML syntax of WS-BPEL) and, moreover, the language is equipped with a formal operational semantics. This language is used for the proof of concepts developed around Focus activities. For instance, contract theories can be exploited for checking the conformance of a Jolie program with respect to a given contract. A spin-off, called “Italiana Software”, has been launched around Jolie, its general aim is to transfer the expertise in formal methods for Web Services matured in the last few years onto Service Oriented Business Applications. The spin-off is a software producer and consulting company that offers service-oriented solutions (for instance, a “`single sign-on” application) based on the Jolie language.

In 2012 the development of Jolie has continued. The main activities have been:

  • We have enhanced the correlation mechanism in Jolie to handle multiparty sessions with concurrent interactions with multiple participants.

  • We have developed a compiler that projects choreography-based programs in Chor (http://www.chor-lang.org ) to Jolie.

  • We have developed a new website for Jolie (using Jolie itself), significantly updating its documentation.

  • We have improved Jolie's compatibility with the Java RMI technology.

  • We have developed a first experimental implementation of a monitoring layer for Jolie services.

As last year, so in 2012 Jolie has been used for teaching, in a master course at the IT University of Copenhagen (ITU, Denmark) and in a master course at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU, Denmark).